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What is Parcel Consulting? How to Use Our Shipping Rates, Technology, and Expertise for Free

What is Parcel Consulting? How to Use Our Shipping Rates, Technology, and Expertise for Free

Parcel Consulting was formed to combine the expertise of many different backgrounds in the shipping industry.  Our goal from the start is simple – connect product-based businesses with the best shipping rates, services, technology, software and strategies available today.  That simple mission has brought together access to the best shipping options available. Furthermore, it is absolutely free consulting to help your business utilize those services and software best suited to your needs.

Schedule a Free Shipping Review

Step one is easy.  Schedule a free consultation with one of our shipping experts.  The goal of the initial 30-minute call is to get an idea of how your business operates and what services your shipping department utilizes.  There is no cost for this consultation and there’s certainly no obligation to use any of our recommendations. 

After we have a good idea about the type of products you are currently shipping, the typical size and weight of each shipment, the typical volume each day/week/month, the carriers you use, and the type of software your currently use, our shipping experts can provide an initial set of recommendations and available options. 

Parcel Consulting can Help Nearly Any Size Shipper

Our consultants have worked with businesses of all sizes, including some of the largest shippers in the country.  There is no doubt that shipping discounts do improve (sometimes substantially) with predictable volume and that is generally the case with most of the shipping rates we are able to provide.  That is simply the nature of small package shipping, like many other businesses. 

Parcel Consulting can reduce shipping costs for large corporations and high-growth ecommerce retailers alike by more than 10% annually.  However, there are no volume requirements to work with Parcel Consulting and we’re happy to schedule calls with startups and small businesses that ship just a few packages a day.  We can offer many different shipping software systems for free to small users. We also provide some simple tips and tricks to help improve your process and grow your business. 

Parcel Consulting Shipping Rates Review

For those businesses that would like to know exactly how much they would save by utilizing our carrier strategy, we can provide a detailed analysis of what you would have spent on every package you shipped over the past month, quarter or year.  This detailed shipping rates review will show your company the exact percentage they can lower your shipping costs going forward.  Our analysts can review any shipping data you are able to provide us and the further back we are able to analyze, the more detailed profile of exactly what you can save with our carriers, rates, and strategies.

Parcel Consulting Exclusive Tech Incentive Program

Parcel Consulting has brought together many of the leading shipping software providers and TMS systems in the marketplace with the simple promise of fair and honest review of where the system best serves the shipping and logistics industry and what types of companies would benefit most by using it. 

Our industry-experts include software founders, sales executives, ecommerce leaders, marketing specialists, carrier and rate-provider expertise and more.  This allows our consultants the unique opportunity to recommend multiple options they see as the best fit for your company.  Often, we have negotiated free or discounted access to these systems for our clients. 

Every business that receives a Shipping Rates Review can simply request a Tech Incentive proposal as well.  Our consultants will provide you a list of systems that would work best for your needs and proposed carrier strategy.  We can even schedule demos of the software and assist in the process of getting started.

Generally, your business will not need to switch software providers to utilize our shipping carrier strategy.  We can provide a detailed list of what software systems would be the best fit and will let you know if a software switch would be required. 

Our consultants just need to understand what software system you are using, what you like and don’t like about it, and what else you would like to see or need to see in your next shipping software.  Our internal team has more experience with various shipping software systems than any company on the planet.  We have worked with, implemented, utilized, and tracked features for nearly every major player in the shipping software space.

Schedule Your Free Shipping Review Today

We understand if this seems too good to be true.  We offer a free consultation to any product-based business. Moreover, we promise to find your company better shipping rates and free software to improve that process.  That’s exactly how easy it is and it’s really that easy to put our shipping experts to the test.  Simply schedule a free consultation, send your shipping questions to info@parcelconsulting.com. You can also give us a call during normal business hours at 833-PARCEL-1 (833-727-2351).  Next generation shipping is supposed to be this simple.