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How to Offer Same Day Delivery in Broward County

How to Offer Same Day Delivery in Broward County

How to Offer Same Day Delivery in Broward County

On-demand access is one of the pillars of the modern consumer landscape. Anyone can instantly watch their favorite shows with streaming services, call a rideshare to arrive within minutes or order food to be delivered within the hour. Instant gratification is everything, and online shoppers have adopted that same mindset when it comes to delivery. The demand has spurred logistics companies to rise to the occasion and offer same-day delivery. 

Many online retailers still believe same-day delivery is an out-of-reach feat only accomplished by ecommerce behemoths like Amazon and Walmart, but this is not the case. Businesses of any size can implement same-day delivery with just a few tweaks to their supply chain workflows. Here’s how to do it.

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Table of Contents

The Importance of Offering Same-Day Delivery

Since the dawn of Amazon Prime’s two-day shipping, consumers have grown accustomed to receiving their online orders within 48 hours of purchasing. It wasn’t long before retailers started offering even faster delivery times. Next day delivery was all the rage, but soon it was overtaken by same-day delivery. Now, 56% of Millennials flat out expect their orders to be shipped the same day they’re placed, and 64% will be more likely to purchase if same-day delivery is available.

Retailers simply have to move quickly to keep up and keep customers satisfied. Otherwise, these shoppers will take their business elsewhere.

How to Successfully Implement Same-Day Delivery

Successful same-day delivery must be a coordinated effort between operations teams, shipping carriers and technology. How do small to mid sized ecommerce companies pull this off? They partner with logistics specialists like the IndyShip team to develop viable strategies. 

UPS, FedEx and DHL now offer same-day delivery, which is a good place to start. Retailers can determine if working with any of these carriers makes sense for their businesses. There are also local and regional carriers that offer the same services, so you can partner with them to take advantage of their distribution networks. 

Companies looking to branch into same-day delivery should first establish a cutoff time that leaves enough room for orders to get delivered by end of day. As sales are made, it’s also wise to track where the majority of customers are located so inventory can be shipped to fulfillment warehouses near them.

Broward County Fulfillment Warehouses

The closer your customers are to your inventory, the faster it can be delivered to them. That’s why online retailers who sell to consumers in Broward County should stock items in local fulfillment warehouses. This can be easily done by researching local 3PLs in your area and initiating contact with them. Make sure you compare several service providers before deciding which one is best suited for your business. 

Ask the Experts

Here at Parcel Consulting, we have an extensive network of local delivery specialists and can help you find the best same day delivery services in Broward County. All the best providers will compete for your business, ensuring you get great rates and maximum efficiency. We’ll also get you signed up with the best shipping software solution so you can stay organized and automate time-consuming logistics tasks.

Parcel Consulting Can Help!

Parcel Consulting has aggregated and partnered with the best options for same-day, next-day local delivery in the United States and Canada. We work with businesses of all types and sizes to provide the best tailored local delivery options and technology for their needs.

We’ve been preparing for this for more than a decade and we’re here to help! Give us a ring to discuss your options at: 833-PARCEL-1 (833-727-2351).
