Welcome to Parcelconsulting

Better Shipping

Optimize your shipping with Parcel Consulting's superior rates, innovative software, and expert advice. Boost efficiency and savings.

Our Unique Services

Parcel Consulting delivers a simple process to find out how your company stacks up on shipping rates, strategies and systems. We leverage our programs, contracts, vast partner network, extensive experience, and detailed knowledge of the parcel shipping industry to help shippers get better rates, develop optimal strategies, reach better agreements with shipping software providers, warehouse management systems (WMS/TMS), fulfillment providers and parcel carriers at the local, regional, national and international level to provide the best available solution to each individual business.

How Parcel Consulting Works?

Parcel Consulting works with startups, product-based businesses, fulfillment providers, 3PLs and other shippers to get the best shipping rates, leverage leading technology for better results and implement optimal strategies for any packages they ship.

Now, we’re offering a unique opportunity for parcel shippers of any size to leverage our expertise for free to get the best shipping rates and streamline their fulfillment process.

Keep in mind, our exclusive Shipping Rates Audit is only FREE for a limited time! 

Don’t miss your chance to find out how your shipping rates and strategy compare to similar size companies.  See if you’re overpaying for surcharges and fees (spoiler alert: you are probably paying way too much) or how much an optimal fulfillment strategy would improve your delivery times and reduce shipping costs.S

Get the best shipping rates and software for your business!
How to Pick the Best Shipping Software for Your Company

Leverage Our Innovative Shipping Rates Audit.
 For Free. For a Limited Time.

The eCommerce industry is developing at a rapid pace, but few business owners have the time to keep up with new carriers, marketplace, and technology options available today. We provide your company a detailed shipping rates audit and detail exactly how much your company is overpaying for shipping right now.

Exclusive Partner

Our partner program is designed to deliver the absolute best shipping and logistics services to product-based businesses around the world. Although our consultants have extensive relationships with most of the leading carriers, technology providers, resellers, equipment manufacturers, and other companies in the shipping and logistics space, we are always open to working with new solution providers that offer unique and valuable services to the industry.

Optimize your shipping with Parcel Consulting's superior rates, innovative software, and expert advice. Boost efficiency and savings.

Check Out Our Most Recent Blogs

Optimize your shipping with Parcel Consulting's superior rates, innovative software, and expert advice. Boost efficiency and savings.

Find Out How Your Company Can Turn Significant Savings on Shipping into Accelerated Growth


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